Tag: lintel

The Importance Of Having Chimney And Fireplace Damages Repaired Early

There are few things that can add more charm to a building than a fireplace. In addition to being a great source of comfort, it can also prove to be very aesthetically pleasing. Yet, it is an unfortunate fact that a fireplace can suffer extensive wear and tear over the course of time. This can result in a number of issues arising for the fireplace. For example, it is a relatively common issue for the lintel to develop corrosion.

While a rusted lintel may not seem like a major problem, it can structurally weaken the fireplace. This can eventually result in it completely collapsing or developing serious cracks. When a homeowner’s fireplace is in need of lintel repair, it is important to act as quickly as possible. It may be possible for a repair contractor to correct the lintel damage without needing to replace it. Therefore, it is important for homeowners to have the lintel inspected at the first sign of damage possibly occurring. Usually, this may be in the form of discoloration to the lintel or mortar.
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Unfortunately, if this problem is not addressed, deep cracks can form, which will need to be addressed to prevent the chimney from suffering a collapse. Repairing cracks in the masonry will involve the process of tuckpointing. When this repair technique is utilized, the contractor will simply remove the damage mortar. Once the mortar is removed, a fresh layer of mortar is injected between the bricks to provide structural support. While many homeowners may want to avoid having this type of major work done, it can prove to be essential for preventing the fireplace or chimney from experience catastrophic damage.

Having a chimney that is in need of repair can be a source of tremendous stress for homeowners that are ill-informed about the steps for addressing this problem. By making sure to understand the importance of having a damaged lintel repaired, homeowners will find that keeping the home safe from chimney or fireplace related damages. Luckily, homeowners in need of tuckpointing in chicago have access to experienced local professionals with the expertise needed to make sure that their clients’ chimneys and fireplaces are in the best condition possible.